Golden Farm

Hey! You had a busy day? We suggest you to get a farm game simulator. Create your village life with growing and selling harvest. Reconstruct buildings, grow animals. Widen the harvest land. Join the village family and become the top farmer.

  • Grow fruit trees and plants in fields and gardens!
  • Breed animals: feed a chicken flock, milk a cow and shear sheep!
  • Explore diamond mines below the farm!
  • Produce and trade all sorts of goods: from dairy to jewelry!
  • Compete with other farmers at the Fair of Achievements!
  • Manage a top grade delivery service: by car, train or even airship!
  • Customize your farm! Choose from tons of furniture, decor and flower items to make it look trendy!
  • Visit neighboring farms to find out whose grass is greener!
Data safety
Data this app may collect:
  • Device ID
  • Crash logs and Diagnostics info
  • App interactions
  • Purchase history
If you want to request the deletion of all collected data, kindly send an email to with your UID or use the corresponding function in the app settings window.
Attention! All your data and progress in the game will be permanently deleted!