Match Café

Break the obstacles and combine amazing power-ups to beat joyful and challenging levels! Keep unlocking and decorate wonderful Cafe areas by playing fun match-3 levels!

  • Explore and restore the new Cafes and many more exciting areas!
  • Invite your Facebook friends to help you create your own cozy atmosphere in the Café area!
  • Exciting match-3 levels: tons of fun, featuring unique boosters and explosive combinations!
  • Collect loads of coins in bonus levels!
  • Open amazing chests to win magnificent rewards!
  • Lots of powerful boosters await for you to unlock them!
Data safety
Data this app may collect:
  • Device ID
  • Crash logs and Diagnostics info
  • App interactions
  • Purchase history
If you want to request the deletion of all collected data, kindly send an email to with your UID or use the corresponding function in the app settings window.
Attention! All your data and progress in the game will be permanently deleted!